International Lawyers Network (ILN

We are members of the international law firm network International Lawyer’s Network, an association which includes 91 high quality and service Law firms in all legal areas, with over 5,000 lawyers worldwide. This network provides our clients with an easy access to legal services in 67 different jurisdictions and 6 continents.

Cámara Colombo China de Inversión

We are members of the Colombo-Chinese Chamber of Commerce for Trade and Investment, a non-profit institution created in order to strengthen commercial relationships between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Colombia. Our China desk is one of the most consolidate ones in the Colombian legal market.

Alianza Legal de Pacífico

We are a member of the Alianza Legal del Pacífico, this is a network of independent legal offices with specific knowledge of matters and challenges relating to the Alianza del Pacífico (Pacific Alliances) and its member States.

International Bar Association

We are members of the International Bar Association (IBA) composed of more than 80,000 international lawyers from the world’s leading law firms and some 190 bar associations and societies covering more than 170 countries.

Asociación Nacional De Empresarios de Colombia

Asociación Nacional De Empresarios de Colombia

We are members of the Asociación Nacional de Empresarios de Colombia (ANDI), one of the most important non-profit associations at a regional level, which actively leads, from the business sector, the economic reactivation of the country.

Colegio De Abogados Comercialistas

Colegio De Abogados Comercialistas

We are members of the Colegio de Abogados Comercialistas, a private law corporation whose objective is the study and investigation of commercial legal matters.

Federación Colombiana de Gestión Humana

Federación Colombiana de Gestión Humana

We are members of the Federación Colombiana de Gestión Humana (ACRIP NACIONAL), with more than 65 years of experience in Colombia and 800 affiliated associations, focused on Human Management and sustainability in the country.

© Gamboa, García & Cardona
Carrera 9 # 80-45 piso 4 Tel: +57 (601) 390 2217 Bogotá D.C. - Colombia